Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wedding Photos- Think Before You Ask An Amateur By Eric Hartwell

If you don't hire a professional wedding photographer, then you'll want to adhere to this feature set when you select a digital camera for taking photography at the wedding. This should never be taken lightly – even though professional wedding photographers are expensive, they are certain to do a great job and leave all the worry on their shoulders, not yours. You want to make sure that you are going to have photos and images to remember forever. Think twice before trusting your precious images to friends or relations (although they can, of course, take good supplementary informal images which you can cherish as well).Make sure they choose a camera that can zoom from far away without producing a grainy or unclear picture. It's sometimes hard to get close-up to the scene at a wedding so you'll need the best zoom feature. Optical zoom is a good friend and will ensure a better quality of image. Next, it's important for a camera to have a high mega pixel range, say 5 or above. This is especially critical for making prints because resolution affects the illusory realism of the picture in the sharpness, etc.Furthermore, the memory capacity of the camera is important because of the multitude of pictures you take at a wedding. It can be daunting and you don't want anything to go wrong.. You won't want to run out of memory at the couple's initial kiss as a newly married couple. In other words, you don't want, "You may kiss the bride", to become equivalent to, "No more memory, please shut down the camera."There is usually someone that knows the bride or the groom that is a keen amateur photographer. They are often willing to take pictures at your wedding. But think twice – although you may be saving money, you may also be creating a headache for yourself (and the amateur cameraman).

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