Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some tips for choosing wedding photography styles

Photojournalistic style wedding pictures can end up being disappointing unless the photographer really has a talent for this style. The nature of taking pictures in this way means that lighting is generally ambient light which may vary in quality and as the pictures are not posed, backgrounds can seem intrusive. However, a talented photojournalist can produce a wonderful record telling the story of the whole day, with all the unexpected laughs and sweet moments. Photographers who work in the illustrative style tend to create pictures which follow the whole day, but which at the same time are thought through in advance and which are generally more posed that pure candids. There is scope within this style for the photographer to employ their knowledge and skill in lighting and set up, combined with ideas from the couple. There is no substitute for looking at examples of a photographer’s work and talking to them about how they work and about what you hope to receive from them in the end. By discussing all of this in advance it will much easier to make a choice and there will be much less likelihood of disappointment. It is not like coffee machine leasing when essentially the client wants reliability, quality and a simple list of what the machine offers. Choosing a wedding photographer is a make or break decision and a lot rides on making sure that both client and photographer are working to the same song sheet. There are a wealth of photographers to choose from and as it is a competitive arena many photographers will advertise their style of photography in ways which can seem both impressive and bewildering to the client, using terminology which at best means little to the couple.
There are three main styles of wedding photography. * Traditional which involves a predetermined list of formal shots * Photojournalistic which are much less formal and are generally taken in an ad hoc fashion. * Iillustrative which in many ways lies somewhere between the other two styles. A photographer using the traditional style will generally spend the session directing the bride, groom and guests through a series of posed photos in a place chosen for good lighting and pleasant background. The results will generally be solid if a little uninspired and it can feel time consuming whilst everyone gets lined up and shuffled around. The majority of these photos are taken right after the ceremony when everyone just wants to celebrate and socialise.

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